According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitoring, the whale/institution that lost the most ETH in the Genesis Trading liquidation compensation in August last year has sold 40,000 ETH (89.20 million USD) through broker OTC in the last 2 days. He transferred 30,000 ETH to Galaxy Digital and 10,000 ETH to FalconX in the last 2 days. He then received 20 million USDC from Galaxy Digital and 19.9 million USDC from FalconX. The ETH at this address originated from the liquidation compensation of bankruptc...
据链上分析师余烬监测,去年8月份在Genesis Trading清算赔付中获赔ETH最多的巨鲸/机构,在最近2天里已经通过经纪商OTC出售了4万枚ETH(8920万美元)。 他在最近2天里将3万枚ETH转进Galaxy Digital、1万枚ETH转进FalconX。然后从Galaxy Digital收到2000万USDC、FalconX收到1949万USDC。 这个地址的ETH来源于去年8月份破产机构Genesis Trading的清算赔付。收到赔付11.45万枚ETH(3.58亿美元),是...
据链上分析师Lookonchain监测,一个持有超过11万枚ETH(约2.35亿美元)的鲸鱼钱包疑似正在抛售ETH。过去14小时内,该钱包已向FalconX和Galaxy Digital转移了3万枚ETH(约6855万美元),并从FalconX收到了776万USDC。该钱包可能与Genesis Trading有关。
据 CoinDesk 报道,私人比特币矿业公司 Genesis Digital Assets Limited (GDA) 正在德克萨斯西部扩大其比特币挖矿业务,在 Pyote 和 Vernon 两处矿场新增 50 兆瓦电力容量。 此次扩建包括在 Pyote 矿场新增两座 20 兆瓦建筑,使该矿场总容量达到 195 兆瓦;在 Vernon 矿场新增 10 兆瓦集装箱设施,使该矿场总容量达到 70 兆瓦。据 GDA 网站显示,P...
1 月 22 日,Metis 近期宣布其 2025 ReGenesis 新战略,Metis 将在 2025 年超越去中心化排序器的领导地位,旨在解决以太坊的扩展难题,以满足用户和开发人员不断变化的需求。在接下来的六周内,Metis 将逐步揭示 ReGenesis 的各个组成部分,最终将在 ETHDenver 上进行全面发布。Metis 的 ReGenesis 计划中提及其重要技术升级,包含 Andromeda 升级及以解决高吞...
The Bitcoin genesis block was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto on the afternoon of January 3, 2009 (Beijing time 02:15:05 on January 4, 2009), and the block was rewarded with 50 BTC. As of today, it has been 16 years since its birth. The total block height of Bitcoin currently stands at 877566.
According to on-chain analyst Ember, a whale that received 200,000 ETH from the Ethereum genesis block in 2015 transferred 3,370 ETH ($1.13 million) to Kraken nine hours ago. He transferred 48,687 ETH ($171.78 million) into Kraken this year, with an average price of $3,528. However, after 8 years of selling, his ETH is almost sold. There are currently 7,594 ETH ($25.72 million) left, and it will be emptied in 1-2 sales.
According to on-chain analyst Ember monitoring, a whale address that received 200,000 ETH from the genesis block sold 5,707.9 ETH last night, and the whale that had 50,000 ETH in the ICO also transferred 9,298 ETH ($29.63 million) to Kraken 6 hours ago. The whale currently holds 10,102 ETH ($32.16 million).
An address that received 200,000 ETH from the Ethereum genesis block in 2015 and 42,600 ETH from an Ethereum Foundation-affiliated address in 2016 transferred 5,707.9 ETH ($18.08M) into Kraken 50 minutes ago. This address will transfer ETH into Kraken every once in a while after receiving 242,600 ETH. Over the course of eight years, a total of 221,000 ETH were transferred into Kraken, cashing out up to 265.80 million dollars, with an average sale price of $1,200. He currently holds 21,000 ETH ($...
According to iChainfo, the Genesis creditor address transferred 1,764 BTC (worth about $117.86 million) to the anonymous address 1 hour ago.
According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitoring, the creditor who received the most ETH compensation in August's Genesis Trading liquidation payment, 0x999... 46E, sold 12,100 ETH (about $31.43 million) in the last three days. He received 114,502 ETH (approx. $358 million) from the Genesis Trading liquidation on August 2, making him the largest creditor to receive ETH compensation. He started transferring ETH into Falcon X three days ago and has now transferred a total of 12,100 ETH (approx. $31....
According to Lookonchain, six hours ago, a wallet received 41 million SAND ($11.77 million) from The Sandbox Genesis wallet and deposited 25 million SAND ($7.17 million) into Binance and#OKX。